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Breeze Cache plugin supports CDNs that have Pull Zone. The following steps will explain how to use KeyCDN with Breeze.
Enabling CDN and Adding KeyCDN Pull Zone URL in Breeze
Breeze WordPress Cache must be installed, activated, and configured on your site.
You must have a valid and working KeyCDN account. Please read here for instructions on creating a Pull Zone.
Log into your WordPress admin panel with your credentials. Click on Settings in the left menu bar and then on Breeze.
Click on the CDN tab in Breeze settings. Here, you can enable and add KeyCDN Pull Zone URL. First, you will check the Activate CDN box to enable KeyCDN on your WordPress website. In the CDN CNAME field, please type the CDN Root URL from the Pull Zone you created in Step 2 such as Leave the other fields as-is.
That’s it! We hope this article was helpful. If you need any help, then feel free to search your query on Cloudways Support Center or contact us via chat (Need a Hand > Send us a Message). Alternatively, you can also create a support ticket.
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