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How to Monitor the Disk Usage of a Server

In this KB, you will learn how to check the disk space consumption of a specific application and how to check the free disk space.

Usama Zafar avatar
Written by Usama Zafar
Updated over 8 months ago

Table of Contents

In this article, you will learn about monitoring the disk usage of a server using the Cloudways Platform. You will also learn how to check the disk space consumption of a specific application and how to check the free disk space, even the rate of reading and writing operations per second on the disk. You can also check the server and application monitoring section of the platform to view the statistics of your server and the application’s health.

Visiting the Server Monitoring Section

Here are instructions on visiting the server monitoring section of the Cloudways platform to view the disk usage.

Step #1

Log in to Cloudways Platform then click on the Servers tab from the top menu bar, and choose your target server.

Next, click on the Monitoring option from the left menu bar to load the server usage information.

Step #2

Here Summary and Details tabs are the most important because that is where all the server resources utilization statistics and graphs are located.

The Summary tab here presents a quick summary of the utilization of four major server resources. These resources get updated on their defined time.

Disk Usage Monitoring Section

Here, you can monitor several statistics regarding the server RAM, so choose from the below topics:

Disk Usage

These statistics show the consumed disk space recorded recently, which is updated every thirty minutes for your server.

For DigitalOcean, Linode, and Vultr: If you have DigitalOcean (without BlockStorage), Linode, and Vultr, then disk usage statistics include web application files, databases, logs, and system files. This may also include master files, backups, etc.

In the case of DigitalOcean with BlockStorage, the statistics will only show the BlockStorage space used to store application web files, database, and the master user workspace.

For AWS and GCP: You will have separate disk space for the web application files and database if you have Amazon Web Services (AWS), or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) servers and the monitoring section will also display analytics separately.

If you see no data available warning, then it means that no data was available recorded on your selected time stamp so you may consider changing the duration (e.g., last seven days).


The available disk space will always be slightly less than the disk space offered with the subscribed plan due to several reasons including:

  • Cloud providers use base 10 in disk space calculations, while Operating System uses base 2 for these calculations.

  • Some disk space gets reserved when disks are being formatted.

Check Free Disk Space and Rate of Reading/Writing Operations

You may visit the Details tab, where you will find a graphical representation of data of few other metrics of disk usage. You can select a Free disk option from the dropdown menu and choose the duration (e.g., one day, default: one hour) to see the free space in disk holding data. Your applications may start to malfunction if the graph is below 2 GB.

If you see no data available warning, then it means that no data was available recorded on your selected time stamp so you may consider changing the duration (e.g., last seven days).


Here, X-Axis represents the time whereas, Y-Axis represents the free disk in GigaBytes (MBs). These are interactive graphs so you can hover your cursor over to any coordinates to read the specific information at that given instant.

You can also see the information about the rate of reading and writing operations per second on the disk by selecting the Reads per second and Writes per second option using the same dropdown menu. If you have servers of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), then you will see these metrics two times as one will represent the information about the database and the other for web application files.

Check Disk Consumption of a Specific Application

You can also view the disk space consumption information of a specific application by switching to the Summary tab and expanding the Application Wise Details section, as shown in the screenshot below. These statistics get updated on their defined time, and you will also see the last updated time as well. On the other hand, you can also view this guide as well, which allows you to see the real-time disk storage utilization information along with the top webroot folders and top database tables occupying most of the space.

If you see no data available warning, then it means that no data was available recorded on your selected time stamp so you may consider changing the duration (e.g., last seven days).

If you are running low on server resources, you can always upscale the server effortlessly on the Cloudways Platform.

That’s it! We hope this article was helpful. If you need any help, then feel free to search your query on Cloudways Support Center or contact us via chat (Need a Hand > Send us a Message). Alternatively, you can also create a support ticket.

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