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Manage Your Databases Using the Cloudways Database Manager
Manage Your Databases Using the Cloudways Database Manager

In this KB, you will learn what is DBMS and also how to use the Cloudways Database Manager to manage the databases you own.

Usama Zafar avatar
Written by Usama Zafar
Updated over 9 months ago

Table of Contents

This article is designed to provide you with comprehensive insights into managing your databases effectively. You will gain a deeper understanding of databases, database management systems (DBMS), and the Cloudways Database Manager. You will learn how to navigate and utilize the Database Manager efficiently to handle your databases seamlessly.

What is the Database?

A database is a structured, organized set of data. A Web database is an application designed to be managed and accessed online or electronically from a computer system. In terms of computing terminology, a database is software that stores and organizes data. Think of it as a file cabinet where you store data in different sections called tables. When you need a particular file, you look into that specific section (table) and get the file (data) you need.

What is the DBMS & Database Manager?

DBMS refers to a Database Management System; it is a software or set of software programs to control the retrieval, storage, and modification of organized data in a database. MYSQL is a ubiquitous example of DBMS. Database Manager is part of DBMS, which handles data organization, retrieval, and storage. A database manager creates a bridge or links two or more files together and is the foundation for developing conventional business systems. This contrasts with a file manager, which works with only one file at a time and is typically used interactively on a personal computer to manage personal and independent data and files.

How to Use Cloudways Database Manager

First of all, please select your platform:

Cloudways Flexible

The Cloudways Database Manager can manage your application databases from within the console.


Cloudways Database Manager is not suitable for managing large databases (i.e., larger than 200MB). To manage massive databases, please use other Cloudways-supported methods, such as MySQL remote connections or SSH tunnels for MySQL clients.

Step #1 — Navigate to Your Application

Log in to your Cloudways Platform using your credentials.

  1. From the top menu bar, open Servers.

  2. Next, choose the server where your desired application is deployed.

    Classic Interface

    New Interface

  3. Click www (if you are using the Classic Interface) or the globe icon (if you are using the New Interface).

  4. Next, choose your application.

    Classic Interface

    New Interface

Step #2 — Launch Database Manager

  1. Under Application Management, select Access Details.

  2. Next, click Launch Database Manager.


    If you encounter issues launching the Database Manager, please ensure that your browser allows pop-ups to open the Database Manager in a new tab.

    Classic Interface

    New Interface

  3. A new tab will open that will launch the Database Manager. The Database Manager is secured using a self-signed certificate, but it may generate a warning in your browser, although it is valid. You can safely ignore it if you see it (don’t ignore it when connecting to other sites unless you know what you are doing). Next, Click on Advanced first.

  4. Now, click on Proceed to Unsafe to accept the self-signed certificate.

  5. The Cloudways Database Manager will open in a new tab, and you can start working with your database.

Cloudways Autonomous

The Cloudways Database Manager can manage your application databases from within the console.


Cloudways Database Manager is not suitable for managing large databases (i.e., larger than 200MB). To manage massive databases, please use other Cloudways-supported methods, such as SSH tunnels for MySQL clients.

Step #1 — Navigate to Your Application

Log in to your Cloudways Platform using your email address and password.

  1. From the side menu bar, choose Cloudways Autonomous and select My Applications.

  2. Next, choose your desired application.

Step #2 — Launch Database Manager

  1. Navigate to Manage Access.

  2. Next, select Database.

  3. Finally, click Launch Database Manager.


    If you encounter issues launching the Database Manager, please ensure that your browser allows pop-ups to open the Database Manager in a new tab.

    You can further enhance security by password-protecting your Database Manager. Simply enable Password Protection and use the username and password defined here to set up access control.

  4. The Cloudways Database Manager will open in a new tab, and you can start working with your database.

How to Import and Export Databases

From time to time, we need to import or export databases to migrate from one provider to another, back up our databases, or add additional data to an existing database. Here, we will see two of the easiest options for importing and exporting databases.

Import Database using Database Manager

  1. Open the Database Manager of your application.

  2. Click Import underneath the DB drop-down menu.

  3. Click Choose Files and browse your local files for the database dump to import.

  4. Finally, click Execute and wait for a few minutes. Your database should be imported successfully. If the database dump is taking a long time to import and causing browser timeout errors, it is best to import it using the command-line method, as it is much faster and has no timeout issues.

Import Database using MySQL

To use this method, you will need to log in using SSH. This article provides detailed steps on how to log in via SSH.

Once you are connected to your application via SSH. Please follow these steps:

  1. Open the Database Manager of your application.

  2. If you have not uploaded the .sql dump file yet, you can do so via SFTP.

  3. You can run the following command once you have uploaded the .sql dump file.

mysql -u [Username] -p [DB Name] < [File Name].sql


Make sure to replace “Username” and “DB Name” with the details listed in MYSQL ACCESS and “File Name” with the full path to the file that you uploaded. You also need to remove the square brackets. If you uploaded the file to your applications/APP_ID/private_html/ directory and the file name is backup.sql, then you would need to use /home/master/applications/APP_ID/private_html/backup.sql

You will be prompted for the database password listed in MYSQL ACCESS. Please type your password (it will not be visible while you type), then hit Enter.

The import process can take a few minutes, depending on the size of the database. If the import process is successful, it will not return any output.

If you uploaded the .sql dump file to public_html, we highly recommend removing it from this location or moving it to a safe location such as private_html to prevent security incidents.

Export Database using Database Manager

  1. Open the Database Manager of your application.

  2. Click Export underneath the DB drop-down menu:

  3. By default, all tables will be selected. Select an output method:

    • Open: Select this option if you would like to see the content of the database in a new browser’s tab (This may take a few seconds depending on the size of the database).

    • Save: Select this to download a .sql file if you leave SQL selected as format (Recommended).

    • Gzip: Select this to download a compressed archive of your database.

  4. Click Export to download the database to your computer.

Export Database using MySQL

To use this method, you will need to log in using SSH. This article provides detailed steps on how to log in via SSH.

Once you are connected to your application via SSH. Please follow these steps:

  1. Open the Database Manager of your application.

  2. Run the following command:

    mysqldump -u [Username] -p [DB Name] > [DB Name].sql


Replace “Username” and “DB Name” with the details listed in MYSQL ACCESS.

You will be prompted for the database password listed in MYSQL ACCESS. Type the password ( it will not be visible), then hit Enter.

At this time, if you run the command ls, you will see a .sql file with the database name ready to be downloaded via SFTP.

If you move the file to public_html to be able to download it via HTTP, we strongly recommend deleting it or moving it to a safe directory such as private_html as soon as the download is finished for security reasons.

That’s it! We hope this article was helpful. If you need any help, then feel free to search your query on Cloudways Support Center or contact us via chat (Need a Hand > Send us a Message). Alternatively, you can also create a support ticket.

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